Rivingtens Make 10


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Finally our first game out the door. Available for Windows and Android, Make 10 allows children to practice their number bonds to 10. Play against your friends, your teacher, your family or one of our little robots. But beware, set the robot to very smart and even adults will struggle to beat it.So what is it? Number bonds or addition factors are simple mathematical addition sums that are so familiar that we are barely aware of having to think about the answer (e.g. 7+3, 5+2,5+5). They are very useful for mental arithmetic, and help children create strategies for solving problems (e.g. 7+5 might be easier for a child as 5+5=10 then add 2). This is an important mathematical skill.
Make 10 helps children practice a common number bond set … additions making 10.Make 10 is a game for 1 to 4 players. Play against each other or one of our robots. It has a parent and teacher friendly drop in and out system. Suspend your turn when you need to, or let a robot take your turns for a while.
This is a fairly gentle tile laying game, but the animations and game play are designed to keep children interested for longer. It is surprisingly addictive for all ages.
Quick tip: the robots set on very smart will always pick the best score in any move and  indeed are hard to beat. But they have no cunning. They will always spin the dice randomly, whereas you can plan and plot, and load the dice.
Please see our website for full details and related products / work sheets ... rivingten.com.
Please note we also publish a dice only version for use with printable worksheets and activities.
Good luck!